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Brian Takes a Breather

Before seven-year-old Brian Fulmer went on his wish trip, he had an especially tough year with his health. He was diagnosed with several minor illnesses throughout the school year leading up to his wish, but thankfully he was not hospitalized due to his mom’s diligent care. Throughout that schoolyear, Brian was also in the process of switching to a new school, yet he was missing class due to his illness. When he was in school, Brian had a difficult time when he was bullied by his peers.

To help him when things get tough, Brian has a great mom and his best friend, Liam. Brian’s mom worked diligently with him- with his CF and other areas- and noted a significant growth in last year. Brian’s friend Liam is fun to play with- plus, it’s always nice to have a friend to rely on. After witnessing Brian’s tough year, Brian’s CF social worker nominated him for a wish to Disney World, while also considering the financial constraints facing Brian’s family and how his age at the time- 7- was just right for a trip to Disney!

So Take A Breather coordinated with Give Kids the World Village in Orlando, FL, enabling the Fulmer family to take a family vacation for the first time in several years. Brian’s mother writes, “thank you to everyone at the Take A Breather Foundation for giving my son a week he never will forget. As I am sitting here writing this, tears are falling down my face because for that one week he smiled and he laughed and he forgot about all the meds and treatments that he has had to do day in and day out.”