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Shaquille Takes A Breather from CF at Hawks Cay Resort

“Hello, my name is Shaquille Crawley and I have cystic fibrosis. I am currently on the list for lung transplant due to my cf. Its been a rough road for me, as well as my family. I was contacted by Molly from the take a breather foundation. They gave me the opportunity to take a vacation with my family members. The trip was wonderful and was much needed for all of us.

I think this nonprofit organization is beautiful for all they do for cf’s. We went to hawks cay in florida and enjoy ourself. The weather was great and the time alone was amazing. Dealing with cf can be overwhelming and feels like all your time is either taken medicine or doing treatments. Trying to stay in up most health is hard at times, and with the break that gave me, just let me relax and spend time with family in a nice environment. I want to thank all involve that made this possible for me. Thanks so much” – Shaquille